About Us
The Quantum Colaboratory (Quantum Colab) is a professionally-run, shared resource for developing and deploying quantum technologies.
Open to all research and development activities, the Quantum Colab supports work in academia, industry and not-for-profits. It is unique in providing a complete solution to the design, fabrication, testing and deployment of quantum devices. It houses, develops and shares the tools and expertise necessary to advance quantum technology.
The Quantum Colab was established in 2019 by combining the tools and expertise of three quantum-focused Canada First Research Excellence Fund programs: Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Institut Quantique at Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) and Transformative Quantum Technologies (TQT) at the University of Waterloo (UW). It represents an investment of more than $110 million. The Quantum Colab is run by a team of more than 50 technical staff, reaching over 300 users across Canada and beyond.
Governance and Management
Oversight and governance of the Quantum Colab facility are through the Quantum Colab Board of Directors. Reporting to the Board of Directors is the Executive Committee. The Board of Directors and Executive Committee are supported by various committees, including the International Science Advisory Committee.
This Governance and Management structure is designed to ensure that the Quantum Colab has the means, quality, depth, and leadership to realize its mission.

Charmaine Dean
Vice President Research and International, University of Waterloo (Chair)

Rachel Fernandez
Associate Vice President Research and Innovation, University of British Columbia

Jean-Pierre Perreault
Vice-President Research and Graduate Studies, Université de Sherbrooke

Archana Kamal
Assistant Professor, Physics, The University of Massachusetts Lowell

Andrew Stephens
Board Director, Genome Canada

David Dean
Deputy Director, Science, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Brittanee Laverdure
Regional Vice President, Indigenous Wealth, Royal Bank of Canada

David Cory
Chair, Executive Committee (non-voting)

Andrea Damascelli
Professor, University of British Columbia

Alexandre Blais
Professor, Université de Sherbrooke

Tracey Forrest
Program Director, University of Waterloo

Pinder Dosanjh
Operations Manager, University of British Columbia

Christian Sarra-Bournet
Executive Director, Université de Sherbrooke

Michael Huber
Physicist, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Jonas Bylander
Associate Professor, Chalmers University of Technology

Bilge Yildiz
Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jennifer Choy
Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Monika Schleier-Smith
Associate Professor, Stanford University

David Cory
Professor, University of Waterloo (Chair)

Bruce Balcom
Professor, University of New Brunswick

Maryam Ebrahimi
Assistant Professor, Lakehead

Carolyn Moorlag
Director, Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Design Technologies, Sheridan
The Quantum Colab’s Strategic Plan, “Bringing Quantum Technologies to Life,” calls for the following actions:

Provide resources to enable quantum technology development

Open these resources to the broad community, including those pursuing applications

Continue to develop new capabilities in-house and transition these to user facilities

Train users and serve as an attractor to help grow the quantum industry in Canada

Make the Quantum Colab sustainable through a diverse portfolio of support